Source code for autopandas.generators.anm

# Additive Noise Model

# Imports
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.base import clone

[docs]class ANM():
[docs] def __init__(self, model=None): """ Data generator using multiple imputations with random forest (or another model). :param model: Model used for imputations. """ # List of Random Forests self.models = [] if model is None: # Default Random Forest self.regressor = RandomForestRegressor() self.classifier = RandomForestClassifier() else: # Custom model self.regressor = model self.classifier = model # Store data to be able to sample from original data = None # For noise behaviour self.predicted_matrix = None self.var_vector = None
[docs] def fit(self, data, noise=False): """ Fit one random forest (or another model) for each column, given the others. :param noise: If True, add noise during sampling relative to the residual matrix """ = data for i in range(len(data.columns)): # May bug with duplicate names in columns y = data[data.columns[i]] X = data.drop(data.columns[i], axis=1) # Regressor or classifier if data.columns[i] in data.indexes['numerical']: model = clone(self.regressor) else: model = clone(self.classifier) # Fit one predictive model for each variable, y) self.models.append(model) # NOISE BEHAVIOUR # takes more time because needs to compute the residual matrix for the whole dataset if noise: self.predicted_matrix = np.zeros(data.shape) residual_matrix = np.zeros(data.shape) for x in list(data.index.values): for i, y in enumerate(list(data.columns.values)): row = data.loc[[x]].drop(y, axis=1) self.predicted_matrix[x, i] = self.models[i].predict(row) residual_matrix[x, i] = (self.predicted_matrix[x,i] - data.loc[x, y])**2 self.var_vector = np.mean(residual_matrix, axis=0) else: # RESET self.predicted_matrix = None self.var_vector = None
[docs] def partial_fit_generate(self, n=1, p=0.8, replace=True, noise=False): """ Fit and generate for high dimensional case. To avoid memory error, features are trained and generated one by one. :param n: Number of examples to sample :param p: The probability of changing a value if p=0, the generated dataset will be equals to the original if p=1, the generated dataset will contains only new values :param replace: If True, sample the original data with replacement before the imputations :param noise: If True, add noise relative to the residual matrix. NOT IMPLEMENTED (not possible?) :return: Generated data :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if noise: raise Exception('noise argument is not compatible with partial_fit_generate. Please use fit and then sample methods.') data = data = data.sample(n=n, replace=replace) gen_data = data.copy() # Features are trained and generated one by one for i in range(len(data.columns)): # May bug with duplicate names in columns y = data.columns[i] # name Y = data[y] # data X = data.drop(data.columns[i], axis=1) # Regressor or classifier if data.columns[i] in data.indexes['numerical']: model = self.regressor else: model = self.classifier # FIT, Y) # GENERATE for x in list(data.index.values): # Loop over rows if np.random.random() < p: row = data.loc[[x]].drop(y, axis=1) # DEBUG prediction = model.predict(row) if isinstance(prediction, np.ndarray):[x, y] = prediction[0] else:[x, y] = prediction return gen_data
[docs] def sample(self, n=1, p=0.8, replace=True, noise=False): """ Generate n rows by copying data and then do values imputations. :param n: Number of examples to sample :param p: The probability of changing a value if p=0, the generated dataset will be equals to the original if p=1, the generated dataset will contains only new values :param replace: If True, sample the original data with replacement before the imputations :param noise: If True, add noise relative to the residual matrix :return: Generated data :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if is not None: data = else: raise Exception('The ANM generator needs to be trained before you can sample from it. Please use fit method.') gen_data = data.sample(n=n, replace=replace) # NOISE BEHAVIOUR if noise: if self.var_vector is None: raise Exception('You must call fit method with noise=True before calling sample method with noise=True.') for x in list(gen_data.index.values): row = self.predicted_matrix[x, :] for i, y in enumerate(list(data.columns.values)): if np.random.random() < p: # with probability p # may need the ndarray debug...[x, y] = row[i] + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=np.sqrt(self.var_vector[i])) # CLASSICAL BEHAVIOUR else: # Loop over examples for x in list(gen_data.index.values): # Loop over features for i, y in enumerate(list(data.columns.values)): if np.random.random() < p: # with probability p row = data.loc[[x]].drop(y, axis=1) prediction = self.models[i].predict(row) if isinstance(prediction, np.ndarray): prediction = prediction[0] # select first value if needed[x, y] = prediction return gen_data.reset_index(drop=True)