Source code for autopandas.utils.metric

# Distance metric functions

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist, squareform
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp
from sklearn.utils import resample, shuffle
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
import itertools
#from .nn_adversarial_accuracy import NearestNeighborMetrics
#from .nnaa import nnaa

# Between Points/Columns (1D)
# A lot of functions are still in (not imported module)
# TODO: Find distances that works well with binary/categorical data

[docs]def distance(x, y, axis=None, norm='euclidean', method=None): """ Compute the distance between x and y (data points). Default behaviour: flatten multi-dimensional arrays. :param x: Array-like, first point :param y: Array-like, second point :param axis: Axis of x along which to compute the vector norms. :param norm: 'l0', 'manhattan', 'euclidean', 'minimum' or 'maximum' :param method: Alias for norm parameter. :return: Distance value :rtype: float """ if type(x) != type(y): raise Exception('x type is {} and y type is {}. Please pass two arguments with the same type.'.format(type(x), type(y))) if method is not None: # Alias norm = method # if x and y are single values if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if len(x.shape) > 1: x = x.flatten() if len(y.shape) > 1: y = y.flatten() z = x - y elif isinstance(x, list): z = x - y else: z = [x - y] if norm == 'manhattan' or norm == 'l1': return np.linalg.norm(z, ord=1, axis=axis) elif norm == 'euclidean' or norm == 'l2': return np.linalg.norm(z, ord=2, axis=axis) elif norm == 'minimum': return np.linalg.norm(z, ord=-np.inf, axis=axis) elif norm == 'maximum': return np.linalg.norm(z, ord=np.inf, axis=axis) elif norm == 'l0': return np.linalg.norm(z, ord=0, axis=axis) else: raise ValueError('Unknwon norm: {}.'.format(norm))
[docs]def acc_stat(solution, prediction): """ Return accuracy statistics TN, FP, TP, FN Assumes that solution and prediction are binary 0/1 vectors. """ # This uses floats so the results are floats TN = sum(np.multiply((1-solution), (1-prediction))) FN = sum(np.multiply(solution, (1-prediction))) TP = sum(np.multiply(solution, prediction)) FP = sum(np.multiply((1-solution), prediction)) #print "TN =",TN #print "FP =",FP #print "TP =",TP #print "FN =",FN return (TN, FP, TP, FN)
[docs]def bac_metric(solution, prediction): """ Compute the balanced accuracy for binary classification. """ [tn,fp,tp,fn] = acc_stat(solution, prediction) # Bounding to avoid division by 0 eps = 1e-15 tp = sp.maximum (eps, tp) pos_num = sp.maximum (eps, tp+fn) tpr = tp / pos_num # true positive rate (sensitivity) tn = sp.maximum (eps, tn) neg_num = sp.maximum (eps, tn+fp) tnr = tn / neg_num # true negative rate (specificity) bac = 0.5*(tpr + tnr) return bac
# Between Distributions (2D) ############################
[docs]def nn_discrepancy(X1, X2): """ Use 1 nearest neighbor method to determine discrepancy between X1 and X2. If X1 and X2 are very different, it is easy to classify them thus bac > 0.5. Otherwise, if they are similar, bac ~ 0.5. """ n1 = X1.shape[0] n2 = X2.shape[0] X = np.concatenate((X1, X2)) Y = np.concatenate((np.ones(n1), np.zeros(n2))) X, Y = shuffle(X, Y) nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2, algorithm='brute').fit(X) distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(X) Ypred = Y[indices[:,1]] # the second nearest neighbor is the loo neighbor return max(0, 2*bac_metric(Y, Ypred)-1)
[docs]def discriminant(data1, data2, model=None, metric=None, name1='Dataset 1', name2='Dataset 2', same_size=False, verbose=False): """ Return the scores of a classifier trained to differentiate data1 and data2. If the distributions are similar and the model can't distinguish then the score will be ~ 0.5 (depending on the metric of course). :param model: The classifier. It has to have fit(X,y) and score(X,y) methods. Logistic regression by default. :param metric: The scoring metric. Accuracy by default. :param same_size: If True, normalize datasets to same size before computation. :return: Classification report (precision, recall, f1-score). :rtype: str """ if model is None: model = LogisticRegression() if metric is None: metric = accuracy_score # check if train/test split already exists or do it if not data1.has_split(): data1.train_test_split() if not data2.has_split(): data2.train_test_split() ds1_train = data1.get_data('train') ds1_test = data1.get_data('test') ds2_train = data2.get_data('train') ds2_test = data2.get_data('test') if same_size: # We want same number of example in both dataset to compute if ds1_train.shape[0] < ds2_train.shape[0]: ds2_train = ds2_train.sample(n=ds1_train.shape[0]) if ds1_train.shape[0] > ds2_train.shape[0]: ds1_train = ds1_train.sample(n=ds1_train.shape[0]) # Train set X1_train, X2_train = list(ds1_train.values), list(ds2_train.values) X_train = X1_train + X2_train y_train = [0] * len(X1_train) + [1] * len(X2_train) # Shuffle combined = list(zip(X_train, y_train)) random.shuffle(combined) X_train[:], y_train[:] = zip(*combined) # Test set X1_test, X2_test = list(ds1_test.values), list(ds2_test.values) X_test = X1_test + X2_test y_test = [0] * len(X1_test) + [1] * len(X2_test) # Training, y_train) # If verbose, more information target_names = [name1, name2] model_info = str(model) report = classification_report(model.predict(X_test), y_test, target_names=target_names) if verbose: print(model_info) print(report) print('Metric: {}'.format(metric)) # Scoring score = metric(y_test, model.predict(X_test)) return score
[docs]def distance_matrix(data1, data2, distance_func=None): """ Compute matrix with distances between each points (m_ij is distance between i and j). TODO: parallelization. :param data1: Distribution :param data2: Distribution :param distance_func: Distance metric function to use to compare data points. Euclidean distance by default. """ # distance metric between data points if distance_func is None: distance_func = distance len1, len2 = len(data1), len(data2) # handle len1 != len2 case? distance_matrix = np.empty((len1, len2)) # compute the distances for i in range(len1): for j in range(len2): distance_matrix[i, j] = distance_func(data1[i], data2[j]) return distance_matrix
[docs]def nnaa(data_s, data_t, distance_func=None, detailed_results=False): """ Compute nearest neighbors adversarial accuracy between data_s and data_t. This is the proportion of points in data_s for which the nearest neighbor is in data_s (and not in data_t). It can also be seen as the binary classification score of a 1NN trying to tell if a point is from data1 or data2, in a leave one out setting. If data_s and data_t follow the same distribution, the score should be near 0.5: * nnaa > 0.5 -> underfitting * nnaa ~ 0.5 -> cool * nnaa < 0.5 -> overfitting From "Privacy Preserving Synthetic Health Data" by Andrew Yale et al. :param data_s: 2D distribution (s for "source"). :param data_t: 2D distribution (t for "target"). :param distance_func: Distance metric function to use to compare data points. Euclidean distance by default. :param detailed_results: If True, return score but also score for TS and ST (the 2 components of the score). """ data_s, data_t = np.array(data_s), np.array(data_t) if(data_s.shape != data_t.shape): raise Exception('The two data frames must have the same shapes but {} != {} got passed.'.format(data_s.shape, data_t.shape)) # matrixes with distances between each points (m_ij is distance between i and j) distances_st = distance_matrix(data_s, data_t, distance_func=distance_func) # distances between data_s and data_t distances_ss = distance_matrix(data_s, data_s, distance_func=distance_func) distances_tt = distance_matrix(data_t, data_t, distance_func=distance_func) # fill the diagonal to avoid considering the points themselves as their nearest neighbors np.fill_diagonal(distances_ss, np.inf) np.fill_diagonal(distances_tt, np.inf) # distance to nearest neighbors min_st, min_ts = distances_st.min(axis=0), distances_st.min(axis=1) min_ss = distances_ss.min(axis=0) min_tt = distances_tt.min(axis=0) nnaa_st = np.sum(min_st > min_ss) / len(data_s) # proportion of nearest neihbors of s in s nnaa_ts = np.sum(min_ts > min_tt) / len(data_t) score = (nnaa_st + nnaa_ts) / 2 if detailed_results: return score, nnaa_st, nnaa_ts else: return score